Monday, August 25, 2008

The Undercats are GO! First club gig!

So we were all able to represent last Saturday night, but this coming Saturday night will be OFFICIAL!

2/3 of The Undercats will be performing at a new club in Sakae this Saturday from 10pm on!

We met a contact a while back and he said sometime in September, but this will be 2 weeks after meeting him!

He doesn't care what we play, he has all of the equipment (much better than what we practice with!), will pay us in drinks for a month, then money after that!

Plus our second show should include Shane (crushmonkey) as well, so the whole crew can represent!

If you are in Nagoya, MAKE it! Contact me!


Anonymous said...

Grats man! Must be exciting! Can't wait to hear about how it goes.

Yom said...

hey man

hope it all went well

will deffo be coming to one when i get back!

crushmonkey said...

Hey, looks like me and the girl can make it for a bit.

Hit me up with the venue details and we will be over!

T-Atoms said...

Cool deal!

The place is a little hard to get to, so I am thinking of meeting people by Exit 13 from Sakae! We will all make our way there and have fun!

The place is a bit small, and equipment a little out of date, but it is comfy and personal! Bring your cameras!

Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME T!!! Congrats. Any gig that pays in alocohol is a gig I like! Again, congrats!