Thursday, August 7, 2008

T-Atoms' music highlight:: RAYFLASH

In my search to find original Japanese dance music talent, I stumbled across a track from RAYFLASH on a blog I frequent (Asian Dan) and fell in love with it!

That track is Flash Dancer!

Listen to this track and tell me it doesn't get you dancing? Do it! Try it! See, didn't work huh? When I first heard this, I had to SOR it (stuck on repeat) for several hours, as I couldnt get enough!

RAYFLASH is a producer and DJ based in Sapporo, Japan, far north from Nagoya. Keep an eye on him and show him support on his MySpace page!

Check out his other tracks too!

I have spoken to RAYFLASH (formerly, Drinking Beer Cat. AWESOME AWESOME NAME!) on MySpace several times, and he has been nothing but GENEROUS with suggestions, tips, and tricks for me to make my transition from Reason, to Ableton Live for house music production! I owe him a lot, so this is one small favor I can do for him!

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